People that are addicted to drugs get er help from the government one way or another. 那些吸毒上瘾的人,呃,以某种方式获得政府帮助。
They were evicted from their apartment after their mother became addicted to drugs 他们的母亲吸毒上瘾后,他们被从公寓里赶了出来。
It doesn't take long to become addicted to these drugs. 服用这些毒品不要多久就会上瘾。
As she grew older, the Hollywood legend began drinking heavily and grew addicted to prescription drugs. 当美人迟暮时,这位好莱坞传奇式人物开始过度依赖酒精与药物。
Are you helping them when they come back home and they are addicted to drugs and alcohol. 当他们返回故土在毒品和酒精中消磨愁思,你帮助了他们什么?
Intense passionate love uses the same system in the brain that gets activated when a person is addicted to drugs, said study co-author Arthur Aron, a psychologist at the State University. 州立大学心理学家亚瑟认为,人脑在热恋时和在吸毒上瘾时用的是同一块区域。
Men become addicted to alcohol, drugs and gambling more often than women and what makes it worse, some become aggressive and dangerous after consuming alcohol or some kinds of drugs. 男人比女人更容易沉溺于酒精,毒品和赌博。更严重的是,一部分人在酗酒和嗑药后会变成具有攻击性的危险人物。
Addiction: Humans become addicted to drugs, but we also become addicted to our jobs, our opinions or our lifestyle. 瘾:人类已经对各种药物上瘾了,但我们同时也变得对工作、对自己的意见或是生活方式上瘾。
I want to write about people who you seldom read about, for example people who have AIDS or who are addicted to drugs. 我想写一下那些你很少读过其情况的人,例如患艾滋病或染有毒瘾的人。
Part of the problem is that many homeless adults are addicted to alcohol or drugs. 原因的一部分是因为许多流浪者都是酗酒者或是吸毒者。
Your pimp encourages drinking and you become addicted to drugs to ease the pain of it all. 你老板鼓励喝酒,而你药物上瘾,只是为了减轻痛苦。
A lot of cultists become addicted to drugs or absorbed by their chosen foci to the point that nothing else can get beyond it into their lives. 很多教徒有毒瘾或者过于专心于做一些事情以至于没有其他的精力。
The new charity tries to offer a helping hand to young people who have become addicted to drugs. 新成立的慈善机构试图帮助那些吸毒成瘾的年轻人。
He is seriously addicted to these drugs. 他对毒品严重依赖。
She became addicted to drugs and attempted suicide three times as her life unraveled. 染有毒瘾的罗杰斯曾经3度试图自杀,人生几乎全毁。
To address the acute problem, the act makes it adequately clear that those addicted to drugs won't be admitted to college. 为了处理这个严重的问题,该法案说的很清楚,那些吸毒成瘾的人不会被大学录取。
Children addicted to narcotic drugs 吸食麻醉品成瘾的儿童
At 17 he turned into a straight shooter and used pills only as a stop gap. children addicted to narcotic drugs 他17岁就成了注射毒品的瘾君子。服药丸只是暂时行为。吸食麻醉品成瘾的儿童
People who suffer from addiction are called addicts. children addicted to narcotic drugs 吸毒成瘾的人英文是addicts。吸食麻醉品成瘾的儿童
And in those areas, people are addicted to drugs. They need money to buy drugs, so they may break into houses, etc. 在那些地区,人们吸毒成瘾,他们需要钱来买毒品,他们会破门入户行窃,如此等等。
He is addicted to alcohol and drugs. 他离不开酒和药物。
Maybe I have become addicted to it and the feeling is just like taking drugs. 也许我已经上瘾,那种感觉就像吸毒。
Funny? You think it's funny? Do you have any idea how many people especially teenagers addicted to drugs? There will be more victims. 有意思?你觉得有意思?你知道有多少人尤其是青少年在吸毒吗?会有更多受害者的。
I want to write about people addicted to drugs. 我想写一些关于吸毒成瘾的人的文章。
My wife was addicted to prescription drugs. 我妻子对处方药上了瘾。
They needed more money, so he decided to do construction work for some extra income, and around this time, he became addicted to drugs. 由于家庭成员众多,他们需要更多收入,于是丈夫便到地盘工作,赚取外快,但同时却染上毒瘾。
We conducted in-depth interview with 26 female IDUs in three different settings. The results shows that most of women addicted to drugs lived in impoverished conditions with the breakdown of social support. 对26名女性吸毒者进行个人深入访谈,结果显示大部分吸毒女性处于贫困状态中,被社会孤立和排斥。
Methods: the correlation between the ultrasonic diagrams of abdominal organs of the 80 HIV/ AIDS patients addicted to drugs and the data of their liver function, renal function, blood count was evaluated; 资料与方法:评价HIV/AIDS治疗前组患者腹腔脏器的声像图特征及其与其肝、肾功能、血常规方面的数据有无相关性,并找出其中规律;
Whoever helps people addicted to drugs to transport or transfer drugs shall be punished in accordance with crime of illegal holding of drug. 帮助吸毒者运输、转移毒品的行为可能构成非法持有毒品罪。
Many of the local people get addicted to drugs, lost the basic human dignity and national spirit, as the Japanese become handicapped. 当地很多人染上了毒瘾,丧失了基本的人格尊严和民族精神,成了任日本人使唤的废人了。